AcasăGreciaEgee de EstUnde este insula Chios

Unde este insula Chios


Where is amazing Chios island on map?

Chios island is part of the North-Eastern Aegean Islands and is located in the southern part of the group, near the Turkish coast. So where is Chios island pe Harta Greciei.

Where is Chios in Europe map

As you can see on the map of Europe on the island of Chios is located very close to the border with Turkey. There are daily ferries from Chios to the cosmopolitan resort of Izmir in Turkey.

Where is Chios on Greece map

Chios is the fifth largest insula greaca, situated 5 miles (8 km) off the western coast of Turkey in the Aegean Sea, North Aegean.

Where is Chios

The Greek island of Chios or Hios is a large island in the North East Aegean close to the Turkish coast, south of Lesvos and north of Samos, and famous for its mastic trees with a population of just over 50,000 people. Because of its location, needing a long ferry ride or a connecting flight from Atena, it receives fewer visitors and is much less touristy than most big islands.

Chios Greece Map

As you can see below in map of Chios, best beaches and villages in Chios you must visit on your holidays in Greece.

Where to stay in Chios

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