ДомаДодеканезКастелоризоWhere is Kastellorizo (Meis) Island

Where is Kastellorizo (Meis) Island


Where is the island of Meis, the farthest Greek island from Greece and the closest to the Turkish coast? Discover Kastellorizo on map.

Welcome to the hidden gem of the Mediterranean – Kastellorizo! This tiny but vibrant island is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. Nestled in the crystal-clear waters between Greece and Turkey, Kastellorizo beckons with its colorful buildings, rich history, and warm hospitality. Join me on a journey to uncover the beauty and charm of this enchanting destination. Let’s dive into where exactly Kastellorizo is located and why it should be at the top of your travel bucket list!

About Kastellorizo

Perched on the eastern edge of Greece, Kastellorizo is a picturesque island that captivates visitors with its unspoiled beauty and serene atmosphere. This small but vibrant destination boasts charming pastel-colored houses adorned with blooming bougainvillea, creating a postcard-perfect setting against the azure sea.

Steeped in history, Kastellorizo showcases remnants of its storied past through ancient ruins, quaint churches, and a majestic castle overlooking the harbor. The island’s rich cultural heritage is reflected in its traditional cuisine, lively festivals, and warm hospitality that welcomes travelers from near and far.

With only one main village bearing the same name as the island, Kastellorizo offers an intimate escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Explore hidden coves, swim in crystalline waters teeming with marine life, or simply unwind at waterfront cafes while soaking up the laid-back Mediterranean vibe – Kastellorizo beckons to those seeking tranquility amidst stunning natural surroundings.

Where is Kastellorizo Island

Tucked away in the southeastern Aegean Sea lies a hidden gem waiting to be discovered – Kastellorizo. This picturesque island may be small in size, but it more than makes up for it with its charm and beauty. So, where exactly is Kastellorizo located? Well, this tiny island belongs to Greece and is situated just 800 meters off the coast of Turkey.

Despite its proximity to Turkey, Kastellorizo remains firmly Greek in culture and identity. Its unique position as the easternmost Greek island gives it a special allure that sets it apart from its neighbors. For those curious about the exact location of Kastellorizo on a map, you’ll find it nestled between Rhodes and Antalya (Kas).

With its colorful houses cascading down the hillside towards the sparkling blue waters of the Mediterranean, Kastellorizo offers visitors a postcard-perfect setting unlike any other. Its tranquil atmosphere, friendly locals, delicious seafood cuisine make it an ideal destination for those seeking an authentic Greek experience.

Is Kastellorizo Greek or Turkish?

where is chios island greece

The question of whether Kastellorizo is Greek or Turkish can be a complex one, rooted in centuries of history, culture, and politics. Located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Kastellorizo has been inhabited by both Greek and Turkish populations over the years.

Its strategic location near Turkey’s coast has led to disputes between the two countries regarding its sovereignty. The island was under Italian occupation before becoming part of Greece after World War II. However, its proximity to Turkey continues to fuel tensions between the two nations.

Today, Kastellorizo is officially part of Greece but maintains strong cultural ties to Turkey due to its historical connections. Visitors to the island can experience a unique blend of Greek and Turkish influences in its architecture, cuisine, and traditions.

Where is Kastellorizo on Greece Map

Nestled in the southeastern Aegean Sea, Kastellorizo is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. This tiny island, also known as Megisti or Meyisti, boasts colorful houses lining the picturesque harbor.

When searching for Kastellorizo on a map of Greece, you’ll find it located just 800 meters off the southern coast of Turkey. Despite its proximity to Turkey, this charming island falls under Greek sovereignty and is the easternmost point of Greece.

The turquoise waters surrounding Kastellorizo are perfect for diving enthusiasts looking to discover an underwater world teeming with marine life. The peaceful atmosphere and stunning views make it an ideal destination for those seeking tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of more popular tourist spots.

Exploring Kastellorizo can feel like stepping back in time due to its preserved architecture and relaxed pace of life. Whether you’re wandering through narrow alleyways or enjoying fresh seafood by the water’s edge, every corner offers a glimpse into the island’s rich history and culture.

Is Kastellorizo Island the Closest Island from Turkey to Greece?

Nestled in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea, Kastellorizo Island is a hidden gem that often goes unnoticed on the map. Surprisingly, this charming Greek island is indeed the closest one to Turkey from Greece. Located just a stone’s throw away from the Turkish coast, Kastellorizo offers a unique blend of Greek and Turkish influences.

The proximity to Turkey adds an intriguing layer to the island’s cultural tapestry, making it a fascinating destination for visitors seeking something off-the-beaten-path. The turquoise waters separating Kastellorizo from Turkey are not only visually stunning but also symbolic of the harmonious coexistence between these two neighboring countries.

Whether you’re exploring its colorful waterfront houses or diving into its crystal-clear waters, Kastellorizo invites you to immerse yourself in a world where borders blur and connections transcend geographical boundaries.

Is Kastellorizo Worth a Visit?

Absolutely! This hidden gem in the eastern Mediterranean is a tranquil paradise waiting to be explored. From its colorful houses lining the harbor to its crystal-clear waters teeming with marine life, Kastellorizo offers a unique and unforgettable experience for travelers seeking off-the-beaten-path destinations. Whether you’re interested in history, relaxation, or simply soaking up the sun on pristine beaches, this tiny island has something for everyone. So pack your bags and discover the enchanting beauty of Kastellorizo – you won’t be disappointed!

Best Things to Do in Kastellorizo (Meis)

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